The progress of Carnival King of Europe has been accompanied by quite a few side events in several countries, which are listed below:
• 2010
• 2009
• 2008 |

• 25th-27th November 2010
Roma (I)
Sapienza Università di Roma
MAV 2010
Materiali di Antropologia Visiva
Convegno-Rassegna in ricordo di
Diego Carpitella (1924-1990)
a cura di Laura Faranda, Francesco Giannattasio,
Giovanni Giuriati, Antonello Ricci
Friday 26th
film screening
Carnival King of Europe
film by Giovanni Kezich
& Michele Trentini
programme |

• 5th-6th November 2010
Marseille (F)
Université de Provence
Colloque «Framing cultures»
Cristallisations visuelles et transferts culturels autour de l'utilisation de l'image dans les musées d'anthropologie
Saturday 6th
Giovanni Kezich, Antonella Mott
Carnival King of Europe: a visual anthropology research project
film screening
Carnival King of Europe
film by Giovanni Kezich
& Michele Trentini
programme |

• 22th August 2010
Saint-Nicolas (I)
Centre d'Etudes francoprovençales "René Willien"
Giovanni Kezich
Carnevale re d'Europa
Carnival King of Europe
film di Giovanni Kezich
e Michele Trentini

• 24th-25th July 2010
Ronzone (I)
Musei di Ronzone
II Biennale di Filosofia
Futuri Possibili. Politica tecnica estetica
24 July
Il Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina
di San Michele all'Adige presenta
Carnevale Re d'Europa
di Giovanni Kezich e Michele Trentini
programme |

• 12th-16th May 2010
Göttingen (D)
Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival
Special event:
Future Past - Cultural Heritage and Collaborative Ethnographic Film Work
film screening
9:30 Giovanni Kezich, Michele Trentini
One day in Palai in Bersntol/Palù del Fèrsina (Italy)
In collaboration with Leo Toller and Claudia Marchesoni, Bersntoler Kulturinstitut
Monday 17th
10:00 Giovanni Kezich
Carnival King of Europe. A research project about Carnivals and winter fertility rituals across different areas of Europe
film screening
Carnival King of Europe
film by Giovanni Kezich
& Michele Trentini |

• 12nd May 2010
Prato (I)
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Seminario permanente di intercultura: dieci occasioni di studio, riflessione e confronto
Giovanni Kezich
Carnevali arcaici d'Europa: dalle Alpi ai Balcani
Film screening:
• Carnival King of Europe, film by Giovanni Kezich
& Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi
della Gente Trentina, 2009, 22'
• Un giorno a Valfloriana, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2007, 14'
• Un giorno a Chelnik, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2008, 13'
• Un giorno a Lancova Vas, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2010, 15'

• 2nd-3rd May 2010
Trento (I)
3rd May
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto
Carnevale re d’Europa /Carnival King of Europe.
A European project of visual anthropology by the Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina,
with the support of the
Culture Programme of the European Union.
Presentation of 2010
field materials:
• San Martino a Predazzo, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2010, 10'
• San Nicolò a Pozza, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2010, 16'
• Un giorno a Lancova Vas, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2010, 15'
• A good day in Sharnford. God save the plough, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2010, 15'
• Processo, condanna ed esecuzione di Johnny Woodstock. Il carnevale di Valda, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2010, 14'
Speakers: Giovanni Kezich, Antonella Mott, Michele Trentini
programme |

• 17th-19th Febraury 2010
Tramin / Termeno (I)
Handwerker und Hochzeiter.
Die Tiroler Fasnacht - Kulturvermittlung zwischen Nord und Sud /
Artigiani e sposalizi.
Il carnevale tirolese - un ponte culturale tra Nord e Sud
programme and abstracts
Thursday 18th
14:00 Giovanni Kezich, Antonella Mott
Al cuore del carnevale. Arature rituali dalla Macedonia all'Inghilterra
14:40 film screening
Carnival King of Europe
film by Giovanni Kezich
& Michele Trentini

• 6th Febraury - 21st March 2010
San Michele all’Adige (I)
Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina
Carnevale re d'Europa 2.0
Materiali trentini e laboratorio video
a cura di Antonella Mott
Costumi e materiali dai carnevali
tradizionali del Trentino – Coredo
Romeno Fassa Carano Valfloriana
Varignano – nel contesto di una
grande ricerca europea di etnologia
comparativa: Italia Francia Croazia
Bulgaria Macedonia.
Con i film originali di Michele Trentini
• Un giorno a Valfloriana, 2007, 14'
• 3 carnevali e ½, 2007, 52' -
Premio Nigra 2007
• Un giorno a Begnishte (MK), 2008, 7'
• Un giorno a Rukavac (HR), 2008, 11'
• Un giorno a Chelnik (BG), 2008, 13'
• Carnasciàl 2008 de Soraga, 2008, 20'
• Na vòlta n val de Fiémme, 2009, 20'
• Carnival King of Europe, di Giovanni Kezich e Michele Trentini, 2009, 22' -
Grand Price for Academic Film,
Kyoto University Museum
file pdf ; invito ; photo gallery

• 6th-7th February 2010
San Michele all’Adige (I)
Gran Carnevale Alpino di San Michele. 30 anni
file pdf ; photo gallery
Saturday, 6th February
• Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina
«Carnevale re d'Europa 2.0»
18:00 Exhibition opening
Sunday, 7th February
• Carnival Parade.
13:30 With Carnival associations of
Coredo, Romeno, Varignano, Saint-Oyen (Valle d'Aosta),
and the Banda Sociale of Faedo
• 16:00 Prize Giving Ceremony
• 16:30 Maccheroni for all |
• 28th September 2009
Bruxelles (B)
Conference «Culture in motion»
The European Commission organizes a Culture Programme Conference 28 September 2009 in Brussels to present past and ongoing projects (funded by Culture 2000 and the Culture Programme 2007-2013) and to encourage exchange of experience and good practice between cultural operators.
Carnival King of Europe has been selected to be part of the event.
programme.pdf ; brochure.pdf ; photo gallery |

• 5th-6th June 2009
London (UK)
Department of Anthropology & The Centre for Museums, Heritage and Material Culture at University College London
"Re-Thinking Ethnology"
A working conference sponsored by the Journal of Material Culture
Friday 5th June
Crisis for ethnology and the reconciliation between ethnology and anthropology.
Chair: Daniel Miller (UCL)
• 9:30 - 9:45 Introduction: Susanne Kuechler (UCL) and Michael Rowlands (UCL)
• 9:45 – 10:15 Wang Mingming (Peking University, Central Minzu University) The war between ethnology and anthropology and its end? Some remarks from a Chinese anthropologist
10:45 - 11:15 Martine Segalen (University of Paris, Nanterre): Material culture and French ethnology
11:15 - 11:45 Chris Wingfield (Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford)
11:45 - 12.30 Panel discussion: Daniel Miller
SESSION 2: Folkloric Tradition, Ethnology and European Identities
Chair: Michael Stewart (UCL)
14:00 - 14:30 Vintila Mihailescu (University of Bucharest)
Reinventing the local and revisiting domestic anthropology
14:30 - 15:00 Mihaly Hoppal (Institute of Ethnology, Budapest)
To be or not to be...Perspectives in/for Ethnology
15:00 - 15:30 Giovanni Kezich (Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, San Michele all'Adige) “Carnival King of Europe”. Towards a new interpretation of European winter masquerades. Paper.pdf
15:30 - 16:00 Discussion: Michael Stewart-Razvan & Gabriela Nicolescu (UCL)
SESSION 3: Revitalizing Cultures through Collections
Chair: Charles Stewart (UCL)
16:30 - 17:00 Pieter Te Keurs (National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden) tbc
17:00 - 17:30 Papataxiarchis Evthymios (University of the Aegean) From estrangement to rapprochement? Reflections on the current prospects of the relation between Anthropologia and Laografia in Greece
17:30 - 18:00 Panel discussion: Chair Charles Stewart
General conclusion: Michael Rowlands and Susanne Kuechler
Saturday 6th June
SESSION 4: Future Possibilities for Ethnology
Chair: Susanne Kuechler and Michael Rowlands
10:00 - 10:30 Frederic Damon (University of Virginia)
HOUNDED BY CULTURE. What We Know…And What Is To Be Done
10:30 - 11:00 Orvar Lofgren (University of Lund)
Researching the backyards of modernity. On the power of the insignificant.
11:30 – 12:00 Cristina Sanchez-Carretero (Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Madrid) A critical approach to Ethnology: Towards an “Emergency Ethnology”
• 12:00 - 12:30 Panel discussion: Susanne Kuechler and Michael Rowlands
• 12:30 – 13:00 General Conclusion: Susanne Kuechler and Michael Rowlands
abstracts |
• 27th-28th May 2009
Zagreb (HR)
Ethnographic museum
International cooperation
Conference of European Ethnographic Museums
Wednesday, 27th May
10.00 – 10.15 Welcome addresses by
Damodar Frlan, director of Ethnographic museum Zagreb
Heda Šlogar, The City Council of Zagreb - Department of culture
Moderator: Damodar Frlan |
• 10.15 - 10.45 Eva Fägerborg (Nordiska museet, Stockholm, Sweden), Collecting collaboration: needs and aims in a global society
PowerPoint presentation |
• 10.45 – 11.05 Elisabeth Tietmeyer ( Museum of European Cultures, Berlin, Germany): The Museum of European Cultures – Berlin State Museums: International Cooperation and Intercultural Communication
PowerPoint presentation |
• 11.05 – 11.15 Tanja Rožembergar Šega (Museum of Recent History, Celje, Slovenia): International school of museology in Celje
PowerPoint presentation |
Moderator: Margot Schindler |
• 11.50 – 12.10 Zoltan Féyos (Ethnographic museum, Budapest, Hungary), International cooperation
PowerPoint presentation |
• 12.10 – 12.30 Matthias Beitl (Austrian ethnographic museum, Vienna, Austria), Trebitsch – an early European ethnological experience
PowerPoint presentation |
• 12.30 – 12.50 Damodar Frlan (Ethnographic museum Zagreb, Croatia), International exhibition exchange
PowerPoint presentation |
Moderator: Zoltan Féyos |
• 14.30 – 14.50 Bojana Rogelj Škafar (Slovene Ethnographic Museum, Ljubljana, Slovenia), Cooperation of SEM
PowerPoint presentation
• 14.50 – 15.10 Adriana Avram (ASTRA National Museum, Sibiu, Romania): Conservation and restoration of ethnographic cultural heritage in ASTRA National Museum Complex
PowerPoint presentation |
• 15.10 – 15.30 Elena Ramona (ASTRA National Museum, Sibiu, Romania), ASTRA Museum Cultural Project: Istroromanians – consolidation and perpetuation of values and traditions
Presentation |
Moderator: Roswitha Orac-Stipperger |
• 16.00 – 16.20 Elvira Eevr Djaltchinova-Malets (State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, Poljska), The inspired Chopin
PowerPoint presentation |
• 16.20 – 16.40 Adam Czyzewski (State Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw, Poljska), Orange Revolutions
PowerPoint presentation |
• 16.50 – 17.30 Mirjana Randić, Aida Brenko, Presentation of the exhibition: “Power of colours” in the Ethnographic museum |
Thursday, 28th May
Moderator: Bojana Rogelj Škafar
• 10.00 – 10.20 Cesare Poppi (University of Bologna, Italy), European Carnival |
• 10.20 - 10.40 Giovanni Kezich (Museum of Folkways Trentino, San Michele all'Adige, Italy), Carnival King of Europe
PowerPoint presentation |
• 10.40 – 11.10 Michele Trentini (Museum of Folkways Trentino, San Michele all'Adige, Italy), Film Carnival King of Europe and documentary material
Trailer |
Moderator: Giovanni Kezich |
• 11.30 – 11.50 Vladimir Bocev (Museum of Macedonia, Skopje), Exchange of ethnological exhibitions and participation in the project “Carnival king of Europe”
Trailer Presentation |
• 11.50 – 12.20 Iglika Miskhova (National ethnographic museum, Sofia, Bulgaria), The Carnival in Bulgaria - tradition and innovation
PowerPoint presentation |
• 12.20 – 12.40 Marie-Pascal Mallé (Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseilles, France), The Carnival project
PowerPoint presentation
• 12.40 - 13.00 Zvjezdana Antoš (Ethnographic museum, Zagreb, Croatia), Two projects - two experiences
PowerPoint presentation |
Moderator: Zvjezdana Antoš |
• 15. 00 – 16. 00 Forum - Possibilities of cooperation and involvement in the project “Carnival King of Europe” (2009-2011) |
• 26th-27th April 2009
Trento (I)
27th April
A) Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto ore 10-12:30
Carnevale re d’Europa /Carnival King of Europe
A European project of visual anthropology
by the Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina,
with the support of the
Culture Programme of the European Union.
Presentation of:
• the webside
• 2009
field materials:
- Una volta in val di Fiemme, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2009, 20'
- La festa dell’orso, film by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2009, 9'
Speakers: Giovanni Kezich, Antonella Mott, Michele Trentini
B) Cinema Multisala Modena / ore 22:30
Film show:
• Carnival King of Europe, film by Giovanni Kezich
and Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi
della Gente Trentina, 2009, 22' |
Na vòlta n val de Fiemme |
La festa dell'orso |
• 20th-29th March 2009
Espiello (E)
Muestra de documental etnografico de Sobrarbe |
26th March
Film screening
• Carnival King of Europe
Italia, 2008, 18'
by Giovanni Kezich and Michele Trentini
In the heart of winter, a very ancient ritual to secure prosperity and good harvests is held throughout Europe, at the original core of what is commonly known as Carnival. This film is made under the assumption that Carnival reveals similar actions and similar characters, cast in very similar original patterns all over Europe. In this sense, Carnival's ephemeral kingdom of misrule can be said to be one of the longer lasting in European history, and Carnival himself a veritable "King of Europe".

• 19th-21st February 2009
Valfloriana, Trentino, (I)
19th Febraury
Film screening
3 carnevali e ½, DVD - 52' - MUCGT, 2007.
Awarded the Prize «Costantino Nigra», V edition 2008
Visual Anthropology / Multimedial Systems Section
One day in Valfloriana (Fiemme Valley), one day in Grauno (Cembra Valley), one day in Palù del Fersina (Fersina Valley) and one day in Varignano (Arco), the film follows three (and one half...) of the most significant traditional Carnivals that still take place in the valleys of Trentino. Far from the prevailing format of the masked pageant, in reality these carnivals are closely reminiscent of the winter fertility rituals that are found in all Europe. |

• 16th-18th February 2009
Zagreb (HR)
MDC Muzejski documentacijski centar
MUVI 02 : muzeji - video - film
file pdf
17th February
Michele Trentini i Zvjezdana Antoš / 30'
• Prezentacija projekta EU Karneval kralj Europe / 15'
• Un giorno a Rukavac / Italija, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Genta Trentina, San Michele all’Adige - za projekt EU Karneval kralj Europe / 2008 / 12' 02''
• 14th-15th February 2009
San Michele all’Adige (I)
7 carnevali e ½. 2a Festa del carnevale alpino
file pdf
Carnevale Re d'Europa. Versi di un Dalmata
photo gallery
Saturday, 14th February
• Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina
- «Le maschere di Mastro Remo»
Educational activity with Remo Barcatta of Valfloriana
- «La danza degli Arlecchini»
Educational activity with the Lachè of Romeno
• Sala consiliare
Film show:
- 3 carnevali e ½, by M. Trentini, 2007, 52'
- Djolomars, by V. Bocev, 1998, 16'
- Un giorno a Chelnik, by M. Trentini, 2008, 14'
- Un giorno a Rukavac, by M. Trentini, 2008, 12'
- Carnival King of Europe, by G. Kezich eM. Trentini,
2008, 20'
Sunday, 15th February
• Carnival Parade.
With Carnival associations
of Penia, Carano, Valfloriana,
Coredo, Romeno, Varignano, Grobnik (Croazia),
and the Banda Sociale of Faedo
• Prize Giving Ceremony
• Maccheroni for all |

Matòci - Valfloriana

Zvončari - Grobnik |

Opening exhibition
Karneval kralj Europe.
Zimske maske plodnosti u europskome etnografskom kontekstu
Performance by:
the carnival group
from Trentino (I):
"Carnevale Tradizionale di Valfloriana"
and "Lachè di Romeno"
• the carnival group of bell-ringers from Croatia |

lachè of Romeno |

Carnevale Tradizionale di valfloriana |

bell-ringer |

bell-ringer |

• 7th-8th November 2008
San Michele all’Adige (I)
Seminario Permanente di Etnografia Alpina (SPEA)
Il '68 degli etnologi. Ricordi con rabbia e senza nel 40° anniversario del Museo di San Michele
file pdf
7th November
SM Annali di San Michele 21/2008
Mascherate invernali e leggende popolari alpine
nel Palazzo del Conte di Luna
by Luca Faoro, Giovanni Kezich, Antonella Mott, Cesare Poppi
• Mascherate invernali e leggende popolari alpine nel Palazzo del Conte di Luna,
Giovanni Kezich
Parte I – Mascherate invernali
• Tutti uguali perché tutti diversi.Per una riscoperta delle continuità nella vicenda culturale dell’Europa.
Note di introduzione, Cesare Poppi
1. Il contesto alpino
• Dal nome dello spauracchio alle origini
del carnevale, Giovanni Kezich
L’Egetmann nella valle dell’Adige,
Herlinde Menardi
Riti di passaggio del carnevale tradizionale trentino, Renato Morelli
Il carnevale di Palù del Fèrsina. Un’interpretazione, Giuliana Sellan
2. Il contesto balcanico
• I carnevali contemporanei della Macedonia,
Vladimir Bocev
I rituali mascherati della Bulgaria.
Tradizioni e pratiche culturali, Irena Bokova
Conflitto e collettività nelle mascherate bulgare,
Gerald W. Creed
Tra il visibile e l’invisibile. Maschere e
mascherati della Bulgaria,Iglika G. Mishkova
Parte II – Leggende popolari alpine
• «Le fiabe non esistono più». Uomini selvatici e anguane nel contesto antropologico alpino,
Giovanni Kezich
Viaggio nell’immaginario popolare del Trentino,
Andrea Foches
Pagine di mitologia classica e repertorio locale
nella tradizione alpina,Bruna Maria Dal Lago Veneri
Il teatro di figura nella narrazione orale,
Luciano Gottardi
Draghi, tempeste e streghe. Considerazioni sulle dinamiche culturali nella cultura popolare alpina,
Cesare Poppi
Indizi del meraviglioso, Emanuela Renzetti |

guirrio, Spain |

vasilichar - Macedonia |
Viaggio nell’immaginario
popolare del Trentino,
Andrea Foches |

• 19th-23rd May 2008
Ljubljana (SLO)
Dnevi etnografskega filma / Days of Ethnographic Film
Slovene Ethnological Society, Scientific Research Centre of the SASA, Slovene Ethnographic Museum
19th May
Ethnographic Footage and Multimedia with Commentary
Zvjezdana Antoš: Experiences and cooperation of ethnologists in recording audio-visual documentation for the EU project “Carnival King of Europe”
1. Material created through targeted activities with informants prepared in advance:- Interview about carnival customs
(Mauro Dorčić, Žejane, 18 January 2008). Camera: Zvjezdana Antoš, DVD, 3' 96''- Interview and presentation of the making of a mask
(Žarko Lučić, Viškovo, 19 January 2008). Camera: Zvjezdana Antoš, DVD, 1' 69''
2. Material created spontaneously as an authentic document of a particular moment:Antonja celebration (17 January 2008 in Matulji
and Frlani). Camera: Vladimir Bocev, DVD, 4' 20''
3. Material resulting from recording of carnival processions
in individual countries (Croatia, Italy, Bulgaria, 2008)
Camera: Zvjezdana Antoš, DVD, 6'
4. Material processing and editing; creation of the film “The Bell Bearers of Rukavac” to be presented at the exhibition “Carnival King of Europe”.
Camera, direction, editing: Michele Trentini, DVD, 12' |

Interview & presentation
of the making of a mask
(Žarko Lučić) |
• 27th-28th April 2008
Trento (I)
28th April
Carnevale re d’Europa /Carnival King of Europe
A European project of visual anthropology by the Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina,
with the support of the
Culture Programme of the European Union.
Presentation of field materials.
At the end of 2008 fielwork film & materials
from Trentino, Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia are presented.
Speakers: Giovanni Kezich, Antonella Mott,
Cesare Poppi,Michele Trentini
programme |

• 26th-27th January 2008
San Michele all’Adige (I)
4 carnevali e ½. Prima Festa del carnevale alpino
file pdf
26th January
• 4 carnevali e ½
Masks recollections books
Exhibition opening
• Educational activity on Alpine Carnival
• Carnival talks of himself
L’artigianato e la tradizione trentina
Seminar - meeting
Speakers: Giovanni Kezich
and the members of Carnival associations
of Penia, Valfloriana, Coredo, Varignano,
Grumo and San Michele all’Adige
• Film show
3 carnevali e ½
A film by Michele Trentini
MUCGT, 2007, 50' - Premio Nigra 2007
27th January
• Carnival Parade
• Prize Giving Ceremony |
Seminar - meeting |
matòcio, Valfloriana |

• 25th-27th January 2008
Pernik (BG)
XVII International Festival of Masquerade Games
25th January
Science conference:
Masquerade: culture legacy and social practice
organized by the Folklore Institute with the Bulgarian Academy of Science and the Department of Anthropology of the New Bulgarian University of Sofia
Cesare Poppi: Carnival King of Europe. European cultural heritage in cross-cultural perspective |
• 21st January 2008
Rijeka (HR)
Carnival King of Europe,
Presentation of the project
Speakers: Cesare Poppi, Giovanni Kezich, Zvjezdana Antoš
Film screening
Un giorno a Valfloriana. Piccola carnevalogia per sketch, film
by Michele Trentini, Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 2006, 14'